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On the occasion of the evening dedicated to the duck on Friday 3 November, Al Postiglione Restaurant illustrates various cooking methods for this delicious meat to be savored.

The duck meat is an ingredient with a sweet, delicate flavor and in some well-stocked supermarkets you can find it already cleaned and cut into pieces, ready to cook.

The duck meat is distinguished by the color and consistency of variables according to his habits (wild or domestic) and his diet (grass, algae, corn, feed or animals). The wild duck can be considered a game (or black meat, even if red), while the domestic duck, although having consistency and color more similar to chicken or turkey, represents almost a compromise between white meat and black meat .

The duck has a weight that varies from 1 to 3 kilos depending on the sex of the animal and it is important to choose it young enough to have a more tender and prepared meat for each type of preparation. The tastiest part is definitely the chest!

How to clean duck breast
The duck breast is the part that is mostly used in the kitchen, also because it is very easy to treat. It has a weight of about 250 gr if it comes from a female animal and can weigh up to 500 gr if it belongs to a male. Cleaning it is quite simple if it has already been plucked by a butcher.

Remember to remove all impurities from the skin , or the small feathers that may have remained attached. It is sufficient to use tweezers and patiently clean everything well. Alternatively you can burn the hair , but we suggest you have a little patience and use the tweezers because it’s worth it and the end result will be better!

Cooking in a pan
The best way to prepare a duck breast is to cook it in a pan. The leather should be engraved with a very sharp knife, drawing a sort of grid, but without cutting the underlying meat as well.
The pan must be very hot and it is not necessary to add oil or butter. Just cook the skin part first and in this way the meat will cook with its own fat.

Only when the side of the skin is well browned , with a pair of pliers you can turn the piece to cook it on the other side. Create an accompanying sauce by glazing the remaining fat in the pan with an alcoholic part, after having eliminated the meat which in the meantime must rest wrapped in the silver paper.

Grilled cooking
With duck breast you can also prepare barbecues and skewers . In this case, however, it is better to eliminate the fat part of the skin. You simply have to cut it with a sharp knife, keeping one palm of your hand on the meat and following the line of the skin with the hand that holds it.

And if you want to taste all the delicacy of the duck without dirtying the stove, come to the Al Postiglione Restaurant event on Friday 3rd November! You will be conquered by the menu of the evening thanks to the originality of the combinations proposed by Chef Caterina: