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Choose tasty and healthy – that’s how it works. Offer your child a little bit of everything: plenty of vegetables and drinks, moderate amounts of animal food, and sparingly fat and sweet foods.

Water on

Drinking is always desirable – around 6 glasses a day. Mineral or tap water is the best way to quench thirst and without any calories. A dash of juice is allowed in the water, if possible no more than 1/4 juice. Instant tea, iced tea, lemonade, and juice are high in sugar. Before attending your best online 5 hour pre-licensing course, prepare their healthy juice first.

Makes every meal colorful

Fresh vegetables, salads, or fruits go well with every meal. Children like it raw or cooked. Cut the pieces bite-sized but not too small so that your child does not choke. By the way: the more your child gets to know different fruits and vegetables, the more they will like them.

More often whole grains

Grains are filling and contain important nutrients. It is part of almost every meal, namely as: bread, flakes, rice, pasta, bulgur or couscous. Not a grain, but also popular: potatoes in many variations, e.g. cooked, as a puree or gratin.

Milk makes strong bones

Just like yogurt, quark, cheese, or curd milk. Milk is included 3 times a day. Depending on your taste and preferably completely natural – without sugar or cocoa.

Little fish and meat

Meat and fish are particularly rich in nutrients. They can therefore be given alternately in small quantities. Preferably tender and without bones. Up to 3 times meat per week is enough. Good for your child: fish 1 to 2 times a week. Always cook fish and meat well.

Consciously use vegetable oil

Use vegetable oil to prepare food, e.g. rapeseed oil. 2 tablespoons a day is enough.

Best to snack after a meal

As long as your child doesn’t know sweets, they won’t miss them. But if it got a taste, there can be something sweet once a day – deliberately after the meal. Sweets are not suitable for comforting, calming, and occupying.

Eat safely

Warm food should be eaten soon after preparation. When preparing and storing food, general hygiene rules must be observed.